In all educational institutions, a complete school as students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators must be in a complete functioning. Deficiencies should be identified immediately and solutions should be produced.
SuiteCRM “School Management Package” undertakes the most critical management processes such as in-school information, parent information, student follow-up.
The school software system, which holds all processes together, also positively affects the prestige of your school.
It records the entire registration process, all interviews and what was discussed, starting with the preliminary interviews with the student and parent.
With the “School Management”, it makes an important contribution to the realization of reminders, activities and activities by enabling teachers to communicate with parents instantly. You can reach real success effectively and quickly.
“School Management”, which helps you analyze the efficiency of teachers, staff, for your school, will now bring managers, parents, students and teachers to a happier and more successful level. Because a failing point will be detected quickly and you will be able to get reports to fix it.
Moodle platformu ile entegrasyon sağlanmaktadır.
Management panel;
- Student registrations
- Parent information
- Teacher records
- Personnel records
- Class assignments of students
- Class/course assignments of teachers
- Exam results, transcripts
- Service management system, (vehicles, student lists, drivers, etc.)
- Event hours
- Instant polling system
- Monthly meal menus
Teacher Mobile Program;
- Making student attendance with instant mobile phone
- Instant access to information about the student
- Messaging with the student’s parent
- Notifying the parents of the assignments and activities given to the students
- See exam results
Service Vehicle Mobile Program;
- Parent notification as soon as the student gets on the bus
- Parent notification as soon as the student gets off the bus
- Instant tracking of student shuttle route
Parent Mobile Program;
- View the student’s menu
- View messages from the teacher
- View messages from the institution
- View the student’s shuttle boarding and disembarkation times
- View a student’s attendance history
- Instant drug drinking follow-up of the student taking the drug
- Ability to follow student’s exam results
With a 360° customer view, all information about your customers and their products are at hand.
The “Customers” module, which is associated with all modules, is a center where all information about your customer or supplier is kept with its sub-panels.
Our experts are ready to help you for solutions suitable for your company.